by Rich | Jan 13, 2008 | Epistles, Scripture Play in new window | DownloadGalatians 1 1Paul, an apostle— not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— 2and all the...
by Rich | May 5, 2007 | Sacraments
I do so appreciate the opportunity to interact with Rev. Winzer on the Puritanboard. I learned long ago not to bristle when he challenges me on a statment I make. He challenged me today on my use of some sloppy terminology with respect to the sacraments and caused me...
by Joshua | Feb 8, 2007 | Quotes
I have somewhere met the remark, that “˜the chariot of the gospel never has free course, but the devil tries to be charioteer’. There is nothing he is so much afraid of as the power of the Holy Ghost. Where he cannot arrest the showers of blessing, it has...
by Joshua | Feb 8, 2007 | Quotes
Things are allowed to be said and done at revivals which nobody could defend. . . If, for a moment, our improvements seem to produce a larger result than the old gospel, it will be the growth of mushrooms, it may even be of toadstools; but it is not the growth of the...
by Joshua | Feb 3, 2007 | Uncategorized
A Real Puritan Blogger – If there had been blogs in the Puritan era, and I could pick one of those gentlemen whose blog I’d look forward to every day, I think I’d have to go with William Gurnall. While reading through his The Christian in Complete Armour, I’ve...
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