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On Douglas Wilson and Covenant Children

In a discussion about Covenant Children, Rev. Winzer wrote: Believing parents are given a prime opportunity to be the means of their children’s conversion. Children of believers are more culpable for their unbelief because they have sinned against means....

The Children of Israel: Who Are They?

The Children of IsraelExodus 3:10 Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.Notice that the whole of God’s people was that of Jacob’s Children (Children of Israel). At the end of chapter 2 we read,...

Barlow Responds to my Post – My Response

Mr. Barlow was kind enough to respond to my article. His response was on his comment section of his blog but I wanted to include it here for full disclosure: Rich, Thanks for taking the time to interact with the discussion. Sorry for the rude remarks directed your way...

An Open Letter to the Federal Vision

I’ve decided to post this here to formulate more clearly a thought that has been slowly developing over time given the controversy. I readily admit that I have dear friends who are sympathetic to the Federal Vision and take great umbrage, at times, that I have...